The Limits of Resilience


The Limits of Resilience


What can be said

of the frailty

of the human condition

except that even oak trees

break in half

given enough snow

that whole limbs

can be torn

from pine trees

by one thousand

butterflies roosting

at once

that the taller we grow,

the more easily

a strong wind can fell us

that most things

are designed

to bear only

one burden

at a time

and that,

as always,

time has


to do with it.



Svetlana Litvinchuk


Svetlana Litvinchuk holds degrees from University of New Mexico. She is the author of a debut poetry chapbook, Only a Season (Bottlecap Features, 2024). Her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and has appeared in Apple Valley Review, Sky Island Journal, Plant-Human Quarterly, ONE ART, and elsewhere. Originally from Kyiv, Ukraine, she now lives with her husband and daughter in Cape Girardeau, MO. She is a reviews editor with ONLY POEMS.

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