The Garden of Punishment



The Garden of Punishment




and a bell goes off

somewhere in the dank,

cavernous sub-


of my skull,


sending all the lizards

and crickets






three times,

that once again

the rich, fertile

sub-terran soil of my soul

is about to host

an after-hours

battle royale.


Here is where

the issues, conundrums

and controversies

of the day are nightly

wrestled, reconfigured

and hammered out.


And at this

particular instance

of Insomnolent Half-Dream,

the scenario has assumed

the curious manifestation

of a steel-cage match

(complete with razor-wire,

cowbells and

kabuki sticks!).


In one corner,

the surly, pissy demon

of Pernicious Debt!


In the other,

the voracious troll

of Conspicuous Consumption!


An audience of Shriners,

nuns and Boy Scouts

howls for blood

and tits!


For they know, they know,


before anyone may enter

the Kingdom of Dreams,


they must first walk

through the Garden

of Punishment.




Jason Ryberg


Jason Ryberg is the author of eighteen books of poetry,
six screenplays, a few short stories, a box full of folders,
notebooks and scraps of paper that could one day be
(loosely) construed as a novel, and, a couple of angry
letters to various magazine and newspaper editors.
He is currently an artist-in-residence at both
The Prospero Institute of Disquieted P/o/e/t/i/c/s
and the Osage Arts Community, and is an editor
and designer at Spartan Books. His latest collection
of poems is Fence Post Blues (River Dog Press, 2023).
He lives part-time in Kansas City, MO with a rooster
named Little Red and a Billy-goat named Giuseppe
and part-time somewhere in the Ozarks, near the
Gasconade River, where there are also many strange
and wonderful woodland critters.

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