one wrong turn


one wrong turn


saw a worm crawling across the patio today,

flopping and writhing,

drying up, almost out of time.

took the leaf and scooped him up

and put him back in moister climes.

they do this,

they take a wrong turn

and wind up in the stone desert

with nowhere to turn,

i find them all dry and shriveled up,

little worm mummies

lying hopeless

in the vastness of the stone desert.

one wrong turn

and you're dead,

that's all it takes.

the same applies

for humans.


Scott Taylor


Scott Taylor hails from Raleigh, North Carolina.  He is a writer and a musician, and an avid world traveler.  His short stories and poetry have appeared in numerous print and online publications, including Vast Chasm, Ghost City Review, Oddball, Angel Rust and Swifts and Slows.  His debut novel 'Chasing Your Tail' has recently been released with Silver Bow Publishing, and his novellas 'Freak' and 'Ernie and the Golden Egg' are slated for inclusion in an upcoming anthology with Running Wild Press.  He graduated from Cornell University and was also a computer programmer in a past life.

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