O Come Let Us Adore Him


 O Come Let Us Adore Him


My two rapists thought the world of me

then turned, Judases, not realizing

that I loved them more than life itself.

Husband and fiance were similar,

not recognizing God's unconditional love in me.

When you shine brightly on evil, it attacks

asking "How dare you reveal me?"

It cannot stand itself and that your love doesn't quit.

The last one forced me on my knees on Christmas Day,

in my home, before a party with friends.

He wanted their food and to teach me

not to be so loving, but I pretended

 it was ok, in case he planned to kill me.

Every Christmas I remember his desperation

after he put an ornament on my small tree

and I lay there, a puddle.

The other rapist did so because I said

I loved him. He hated himself, so.

Husband and fiance both tolerated my heart, 

leaving me alone most of the time.

They thought I wanted sex and money.

Artists just love the beauty they see--

that's how I am, still. In the stillness, I love,

even when others don't care

to see the divinity in themselves.

Susan Beverly 

Susan Beverly is a writer, poet and environmental activist. Her profound work is regularly published by Ariel Chart.


  1. Thank you for your bravery & honesty Mark.

    1. happy to publsih, these days there is little light between dishonest and political so i tend to shy away from the nonsnese but i am open if a writer is not slanderous and is sincere.

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