The Resilient Heart


The Resilient Heart



Sifting through the cracks in the wall, its tattered dirty surface lies bare,

An echoing sound reaching my innermost soul with a fabric begins to show its tear.


Beaten down and shattered were all of my lifetime dreams,

Torn, to and fro and thrown asunder with all of my whimsical schemes.


To retreat or move forward to where it might lead, fear tramples down my pride,

Burning through the layers of self where there is no one who is left to hide.


Gathering strength to battle once again, the armor weighs me down,

The shields of my own true protection, it leads not to what I have found.


A new life, a new start, the challenge has finally been made,

Do I have the courage? Left deep inside or will my hope and spirit just fade?


Words that murder aspirations, promises never kept but thrown,

It’s never as the eye sees it, for each of us to walk into the unknown.


A shattered heart can mend itself, they say that time heals all,

Broken pieces together now once again until my life’s next fall.



Mitchell Kowitz


Mitchell’s Jewish background led him to become a Cantor where he has served 2 congregations for 28 years.  A native of Jacksonville Fla, Cantor Mitch served at Beth Israel in Munster Indiana and Temple of Aaron in St. Paul. He is currently the Cantor at Share Chesed Synagogue in Minnetonka and is also the adjunct clergy for Sholom Home East in St Paul and West in Minneapolis. The entertainer is back in full force! Recently he finished filming a pilot food show entitled “Kosher Cuisine”, featuring Israeli music and has a cookbook out entitled “Kosher Cuisine for a New Generation.” As a master storyteller, his short stories are written for just that. To tell a good story, and have been featured in several magazines and periodicals. His poems have been featured in The Grapevine, and the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” And His book “In the House of Temptation and screenplay Visions are among his latest works. A member of the Minnesota Writers Workshop he is currently working on new writing projects.

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