A Tired World
and continue to build upon ruins of drama,
the wild beasts
who examine life with their hard edge,
the least sentimental among us,
with warring as their superpower,
choose to scorch the land where blood lies.
Blasts and threats
proclaim what we deal with,
wearily, with worn-out hearts,
while solicitors storm
and subalterns rave.
And we behave as stone effigies,
of all souls’ despair,
that can only stand and watch,
figurines who weep tears
as lyrics of the times.
We will recover from the blows
only if we can awaken to new images
of what can happen in the world,
and exert our will.
Linda Imbler’s poetry collections include seven published paperbacks: Big Questions, Little Sleep First Edition, Big Questions, Little Sleep Second Edition; Lost and Found; Red Is The Sunrise; Bus Lights; avel Sight; Spica’s Frequency; and Doubt and Truth. Soma Publishing has published her four e-book collections, The Sea’s Secret Song; Pairings, a hybrid of short fiction and poetry; That Fifth Element; and Per Quindecim. Examples of Linda’s poetry and a listing of publications can be found at lindaspoetryblog.blogspot.com