Memories Are Better Than Facts
Looking through photos of old boyfriends
Their names written on the back
I remember them all
Well, most of them
Some more vividly than others
And I remember the fun we had together
Do they remember my name
When they look through their old photos
Am I remembered fondly
K. A. Williams has had poetry published in various magazines including Ariel Chart, Literary Yard, The Blotter, 5-7-5 Haiku Journal, Tigershark, and Calliope. She has self-published 3 poetry ebooks with Draft2Digital -
"Free Verse and Rhyme: A Poetry Collection", "Limericks and Other Humorous Poems" and "Scifaiku and Haiku: A Poetry Collection". She also writes fiction and has an Amazon Author Page
Heartfelt and honest: memory is among the most fascinating faculties humans have, for better or worse,