The Okinawan Aviculturist


The Okinawan Aviculturist


Words are birds

in her mind’s aviary;

her speech, their release;

her laughter, the wind beneath

the wings of doves and eagles alike.



Karlo Sevilla


Karlo Sevilla of Quezon City, Philippines is the author of the poetry collections “Metro Manila Mammal” (Soma Publishing, 2018) and “Outsourced! . . .” (Revolt Magazine, 2021). Recognized among the Best of Kitaab 2018, shortlisted for the Oxford Brookes International Poetry Competition 2021, and thrice nominated for the Best of the Net, his poems appear in Philippines Graphic, Ariel Chart, DIAGRAM, Rat’s Ass Review, Small Orange, Radius, Matter, EclecticaBetter Than StarbucksAnti-Heroin Chic, and elsewhere.


  1. we havent heard much of that culture unless you count Karate Kid. bring it on.

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