Earthly Pleasures



Earthly Pleasures


I indulge in the here and now.

My joys are simple but divine.

I have all the wealth to endow.

The sky, the earth, the ocean’s mine.


I find shining diamonds banal;

The overuse of all that grace.

I relish in what’s plain and small:

The smile on the ice cream boy’s face.


Majestic glasses of champagne

Or the taste of fine caviar

Is nothing like the sound of rain

Perfumed with mowed grass from afar.


To journey to the farthest land

I don’t need cruises fit for kings,

Or private jets at my command.

I sail, I fly; my mind has wings.


No royal romance can measure

The sudden meeting of our eyes.

The luxuries that I treasure

Are grand but in everyday guise. 

Niloufar Behrooz

Niloufar Behrooz is lecturer in English Literature at the University of Isfahan, Iran. Her work has appeared in Raintown Review, Classical Poets Society, Lighten Up Online, Parody, Loch Raven Review, Literary Hatchet, Litro, World Haiku Review and elsewhere. You can find her on Instagram @niloufarbehrooz

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