Farmer Son’s Hands
pink, tightly curled were your hands in the beginning, protected by the milky
vernix of maternal love. When you clasped my finger, my heart felt so good,
tears came to my eyes. You were the best baby a mother ever had, and you grew
so fast on my abundant milk. Your hands soon grabbed jingly rattles and the
soft blanket you always held to your nose and hated to part from. Your hands
made winding roads in the sandbox, strewn with sharp pebbles and flower petals,
and you drove your truck of life along it. Later, your hands worked in the
barn, smelled of pigs. In school, your hands awkwardly held a pencil, but you
learned to write your name and much more. As a teen, you loved cows, and coaxed
sweet milk from their udders for the family to drink. Your hands caressed a
special girl, and she became your wife. You harvested aromatic cedar posts with
your hands, thousands of them, and drove them into the ground to make fences to
keep the animals safe. As a man, your firm hand engulfed mine; your handshake
made us equals. My son, your mother loves you, wherever you are. I miss you so
Louisa Bauman
Bauman lives in Toronto, Canada, and enjoys the view of the city from her
fifteenth-floor balcony. She is the author of two historical fiction
novels, Sword of Peace and Sister, Fight Valiantly, plus a
picture book, True Story of a Lamb. For more, visit her website
Such a beautiful, touching write.