
Snowfall -- Farmington, Conn., December 2019





The snow takes to form in covering the woodland ground this afternoon. It clings to leaves, twigs, and bushes, showing them in finer outline than they were bare. The clutter of scattered stone and logs departs under a white blanket of rises and hollows. As I watch, new snow covers the first fallen. The little rises become long hills; the hollows fill and round. The contours never stay the same while the snow descends. Quick flakes weave a curtain before the landscape. It is as hard to look through as for the snow not to thicken on the ground. Around me, a hush consumes the woods. No animal stirs from its lair; no birds sing. I listen, trying to imagine the end that the quiet scene will meet.


Norbert Kovacs

Norbert Kovacs lives and writes in Hartford, Connecticut. He has published stories in Headway, Ariel Chart, Hypnopomp, Corvus Review, and The Write Launch. His website is


  1. this is not a knock but i am at a loss on why you allow out of season work in the journal. it's summer and hot. and this is a snow poem?

    1. thanks for the question and your support. part of our title is "international" literary journal. that's as real aspect of our publishing. at this moment where you are located at it's hot but in other parts of the world (august 2021) it is snowing -- South Africa, Argentina and Chile. We have readers and writers located there and i think they appreciate that Ariel Chart is not North American-centric but global in its outreach.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. sorry about that. guess you have been told. it snows in more in one place on Earth.

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