Miss Fix It


Miss Fix It



She is her successes,

she is her failures.

The empath and the narcissist.


Joint innocently –

Miss Fixer Upper needed work,

Miss Fix It needed work.


Told innocently –

Chitter chatter about this and that.

Similar paths in some sense.


Miss Fixer Upper only heard:

whatever Miss Fix It had,

Miss Fixer Upper hadn’t.


Revealed innocently –

Miss Fixer Upper fished for compliments,

got lampooned instead.



her tortured carnivorous heart,

boiled within,

her narcissistic supply,

depleted within…

but a new victim’s vignette to bait!



her tortured vegan heart,

boiled within,

her giving nature,

toiled within…

but successfully repaired!



Linda Sacco


Linda Sacco is a teacher and writer living in Melbourne, Australia.

Her qualifications include Bachelor of Arts (Professional Writing) from Victoria University and Master of Teaching (Primary) from The University of Melbourne.

Her poetry has been published in Ariel Chart, Bluepepper, Dead Snakes, Dual Coast Magazine, 50 Haikus, Haiku Journal, Inwood Indiana, Poetry Quarterly, Poetry Pacific, Tanka Journal, Three Line Poetry and Track + Signal Magazine. Her first full-length poetry collection is Waves.

She is the author of the Which Is Your Perfect Pet? ebook series with titles on Dog Breeds, Designer Dogs, Cat Breeds and Birds.

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