
Uyghurs Are Being Murdered Every Day


Uyghurs Are Being Murdered Every Day



Camps miked

Muslims typed

Organs snatched

Dying bureaucrats

Slay and filet


Are being


Every day.


Mark Antony Rossi

Mark Antony Rossi is a poet and playwright with recent work in Ariel Chart, Bombfire, Earth & Altar, Granfalloon (Canada), Indian Periodical (India) Philadelphia Stories and Route 7 Review.


  1. deeply concerned especially since in America you appear to protest about minor internal matters while china is seeking to control the world and commit racial genocide. where is the protest for that? there should be protestors at chinese embassies in every country.

  2. your continued support of Ariel Chart is greatly appreciated. while we screen for content we do not screen for intent. this is a literary publication and such questions are best posed to protestors. they appear to have a lot of time on their hands. you might get back a reply. Paul S.

  3. you invite this type of commentary with the publication of that type of writing. own it and do not be cute about it.

    1. i strongly disagree. been reading and commenting on this publication for over two years. and it's not politically-tainted like so many i could reference. it strives for good writing and art. just read it and see for yourself. Or do we assume this was the reply from a protestor? There are real serious things going on in the world beyond your hurt feelings. And to be candid, I wish this journal was more political rather than less.

  4. as predicted this journal will go to places others will not. our society is censoring itself to appease corporate phonies and chinese cronies.

  5. Terrible, but true. And nobody seems able to do anything.

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