A Defend the Writer Public Announcement -- Dangers of Editors for Hire



  1. quite agree chap, far too many wolves preying on writers these days.

  2. such theft should not be allowed, writers do not need to pay for services that can be readily available, make friends; have editors. that simple.

  3. well done Ariel Chart, nice to see this public service announcement has gained traction. i am told by a few writers it changed some minds.

  4. This article's point isn't that all editors are bad. Hardly. It's that there are a lot of editors (or at least individuals who market themselves as such) are.

    Having a 35 year background in the print/publishing industry, I've seen its evolution (de-evolution?)
    This has been a phenomena a long time in the coming. Beginning with media (news & (going way back!) newspapers) cutting back their editors in favour of speed over accuracy.
    News and Media's focus became being the first one to report. Accuracy (or even truth) didn't matter. Corrections or redactions could be issued later.

    Fast forward into print media & publications and we see the near decimation of the editor industry.

    The rise of the Indie-author (in addition to print tech and readily available ebook formats) only further put the pressure on traditional publishers.

    With the successful advent of any industry (in this case self-publication) we also see a shadow-industry arise.
    I think this article's spot-on.

    (An add into this mix a book's price-point & cost - this could be the difference between profit and a failed book. And additional cost of $1000-4000 broken down over the per-copy cost could be life & death). So many factors to consider.

    1. thanks for the generous viewpoint. this piece has become a huge mover of viewpoints on the subject. i get a lot of private email from people about this subject who don't want to be make a scene. But are concerned. since i wrote this i have received over 100 what i call horror stories from writers using these services. What is being done is wrong. They need a voice. MAR

  5. I might add a few thoughts:

    It is interesting - as I've shared this with people I know in literary circles - those that are traditionally published, seemed quite taken aback, even insulted but this idea.

    I wonder if we are seeing a few divides?

    One being the traditionally published vs indie-authors. And the other being that elitest element of those with money to spare/waste? (ie retirees on government pensions, etc.)

    An additional cost of $1000 (as the example) for traditional editing, factored into the fact that it is estimated the average self-published author will not sell more than 1000 copies, this in itself is an additional $1/copy at COST, potentially making a tight profit margin potentially impossible.

    Dwindling are the days of traditional publishing. Maybe a change in this business model is a necessity?

    1. no doubt a change in the industry, publishing, etc is needed again. but as writers we need to take responsibility of trying to help each other more. More human contact, trading services, etc. would lessen the impact of vultures who prey on decent people. the fact of the matter is many of these services are fraudulent. if you accept $1000 and run a script through spell-check and grammarly and return it --- that's fraud!!! We should be helping each other, maybe ourselves become editors at a modest fee with strong contact, or using more of the beta-reader models. There is a reason why this one piece on the journal has become the most read thing i have published in the history of the journal: it's real, it's happening, and it's a GD shame. Only writers can stop this industry. Talk to each other. Screw the criminals! MAR

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