
Like Scars


Like Scars


storm drains scab up

like scars

on the pavement;

held in place

by the threat,

ongoing, of inclement

weather –


summer on a long road

in dry heat

and itchy. dogs pant

outside cafes,

under cafe tables

and the nodding heads

of tulips.


the beauty of skin

threaded about buildings

arms tanned

and languorous,

dying for 7up.


Diarmuid ó Maolalaí


I'm a graduate of English Literature from Trinity College in Dublin and recently returned there after four years abroad in the UK and Canada. I have been writing poetry and short fiction for the past five or six years with some success. My writing has appeared in such publications as 4'33', Strange Bounce, Ariel Chart and Bong is Bard, Down in the Dirt Magazine, Out of Ours, The Eunoia Review, Kerouac's Dog, More Said Than Done, Star Tips, Myths Magazine, Ariadne's Thread, The Belleville Park Pages, Killing the Angel and Unrorean Broadsheet, by whom I was twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize. I have also had my work published in two collections; 'Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden' and 'Sad Havoc Among the Birds' 

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