L' Affaire


L’ Affaire

Shatter my sacred sword on your knee;

Throw the futile pieces to the floor in disdain.

Degrade me, exile me, vilify me;

On your devil’s island, bind me in chain.


Array your slippery evidence-

Lie, forge, smear, collude-

To entangle me, in your oily clench,

In the inky depths of your turpitude.


But, I transcended your arrogance,

And, bathed in the light of the aurora sun-

A moment of human conscience*-

Fought for you, vindicated, at Verdun.



*From the eulogy for Emile Zola, author of J’ Accuse!



For Mark Antony Rossi in thanks for his support and encouragement


Steve Lang


Steve Lang is a Pushcart Poetry Prize nominated poet and frequent contributor to Ariel Chart.


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