That Starry Christmas Eve


That Starry Christmas Eve



A girl stood at her bedroom window,

Gazing at the sky,

Her mind a-wandering, heart aglow,

Soft-lit her dreamy eye,


Not seeing sparkling stars so bright,

Nor brilliant shining moon,

But candy-coloured fairly lights,

Plump baubles like balloons.


And tinsel swirling round a tree,

Shimmer of silver and gold,

And sweet a timeless melody

Recounts the tale of old-


When over Bethlehem a star

Held fast above a stable

And three wise men came from afar,

To kneel before the cradle-


Then something caught her sleepy eye,

Just as she turned to bed.

Yes- there, it flashed across the sky,

What seemed to be- a sled!


Being pulled by four-legged wingless creatures

With antlers on their head;

A jingling sound seems just to reach her

And a flash of something red


Up front could just about be seen

And a man sits in the back,

In one gloved hand his reindeers’ reins,

In the other a brimful sack.


But then it vanished like a dream

So, she could not believe

For sure what she had really seen,

That starry Christmas Eve.



For Amber: December 4th, 2020


Steve Lang

Steve Lang is a poet whose poetry has frequented Ariel Chart. His poem "Raphael" was nominated for the Pushcart Poetry Prize for 2020.


  1. Original and heartfelt christmas poem. hard to come by in such times. Very well done.

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