
A Double Six Hand of Dominoes

A Double Six Hand of Dominoes


End to end,

nose to nose,

match the numbers,

start with six.


The watchman sees

the odd, high birds

from his deep leather seat

above the prison walls.


That coy prop

settles him.

His thinking face,

heavy, raw,

drawn back to suddenly reveal

that the mechanical assembly below

has been precisely corrupted.


The magical limit-six

has just been met,


onto the telling ground.


The guard sitting in

the now decaying armchair


and sees a lone jackdaw

floating across a blue sky.


While a feathered septet

falls into the yard

in queer disregard

of their former navigability.


End to end,

nose to nose,

match the numbers,

six to six.



Linda Imbler



Examples of Linda’s poetry and a listing of publications can be found at  When not writing, 

Linda is an avid reader, classical guitar player, and a practitioner of both Yoga and Tai Chi.  In, addition, she helps her husband, 

a Luthier, build acoustic guitars.  She lives in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A. Linda enjoys her 200-gallon saltwater reef tank wherein 

resides her 21 year old yellow tang.  A retired teacher, who began writing in earnest in January, 2015, Linda believes that poetry 

has the potential to add to the beauty of the world.  Much of this beauty she feels can be found in the night sky and, on warm nights, 

her telescope serves as inspiration for this belief. Linda’s published paperback poetry collections include “Big Questions, Little Sleep,”  

“Big Questions, Little Sleep: Second Edition,” “Lost and Found,” “Red Is The Sunrise,”  and “Bus Lights, City Sights: Nashville and Back.” 

She has three e-books published by Soma Publishing; “The Sea’s Secret Song,” “Pairings,” which is a hybrid ebook of short fiction and

 poetry, and “That Fifth Element.”  Linda has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has four Best Of The Net nominations.





  1. the muse and the metaphor are instruments for living art. love the dominoes.

    1. Thank you, Kelly, for reading my work and commenting.

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