Old Singers


Old Singers 


Old singers lounge in grooves

on vinyl    swoon 

to the high notes    hold back their rasp


They imagine birds

dancing on sheet music    dream

in downbeat and gin


follow the smoke fog    sway

in cool clubs    romantic blue

they remember 


They nod to the horns    smooth their

hips and tap time    while sugar

ivories smile


Jean Biegun


Jean Biegun, retired from inner city teaching, began writing poetry in 2000 to counter job stress, and it worked.  Poems have appeared in several publications including After Hours, As It Ought to Be Magazine, Mobius: The Poetry Magazine, The Avocet, Blue Heron Review, Mused: BellaOnline Literary Review, Goose River Anthology, Fox Cry Review, Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, World Haiku Review, and forthcoming in Amethyst Review.


  1. finally some work for my group of people.. only kidding, but do appreciate what can reach me most. love the pic too. a real treat.

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