
Science Flash (In the Pan) Fiction (Only It's True)

Science Flash (In the Pan) Fiction (Only It's True)

I tried my best to keep things the way they were so the children would have the same top-consumer lifestyle we'd all had after reforming ourselves from being stupid hippies & becoming even more materialistic (what else is there?) than our grandparents & parents.-------But I failed. Not enough of us voted. Not enough of us demanded change more quickly from all the things we didn't need that turned our planet into a deadly-hot, firey inferno, not fit for any living person, plant or animal. Greta Thunberg's blood is on my hands, & yours, as is the blood of every child & adult that followed her passionately. They had to release a debilitating virus on the entire planet right after she made it to the cover of Time Magazine, just to stop her, to preserve the Fortune 500. Now Wall Street stands silent, as do the wastelands of forests, jungles, mountains & oceans. And all I can do, the last one, alone, as I wait for my fate, is qoute the Bible.-----"Let the dead bury their dead." (Screams into the vacuum of empty space over & over again....

 Susan Beverly MLA

Susan Beverly MLA has gotten awards for her writing since first grade, including her adult play, two short stories and many poems, as well as being published in lots of small journals over the last twenty years. She's run critique groups, reading venues and been a featured poet worldwide. Under The Thunder, a CD of poetry was requested by her many fans because of her sultry voice that would sound amazing even reading a phone book. Her writing credits include: Smile Hon',You're in Baltimore, Digges' Choice, The Sunpaper, Wordhouse, Throb, Event Hoizon, Carroll County Times, Baltimore's Child, Omega, Ashes & Sparks, Postcards from the Beach, Out of the Mouths of Men, Delmarva Review, Hawaii Review..


  1. during the Covid i had to change how i looked at a great many things and this goes for writing and reading as well. this is more than stream of consciousness it is a very good representation of the chaos we all have had to live with.

  2. what a tale of the state of affairs in america. this woman is a strong writer and has a pretty face, can any man ask for more. i should say not. may i see more work in the days ahead.

    1. thank you for visiting our journal. i will give the benefit that your english is not the best and you are not intending on anything but praising the writer. Nevertheless i feel i must remind your this is a literary journal; not a dating site and i must ask you comment on the work and not the woman. Respectfully, MAR.

  3. Nice we can still live in a day where fighting over a pretty woman is permitted. However; i am forced to agree with the editor that this journal's job is to present art to a confused world. Young lady, i like your style and hope to see more of it.

  4. I am not one normally to comment on unmilitary writing but I found this work compelling and well written. Continue the mission, young lady.

  5. Thanks everyone, new genre, new darkness for me.

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