Don't Hold On To Something Broken


Don’t Hold On To Something Broken


I wound my music box last week

but it didn't play for me then.

I didn't throw it away even

though I thought it was broken

because it looks like a piano.


Last night it played one note

and stopped. Then it played a

few more notes and stopped.

Finally it started playing again

until it was finished.


I'm afraid to wind it up now.

It may play again in a week,

or else never work anymore.

Maybe I should just throw it away

even if it does look like a piano.


K.A. Williams



K. A. Williams has had poems published in Calliope, The Creativity Webzine, Bear Creek Haiku, and Nuthouse Magazine. She also writes fiction, mostly speculative.


  1. very good work should win a prize. looking forward to more.

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