A Quick Death
The sunlight is dying
a quick death. A dark
shadow wraps itself
around sunlight’s throat.
The light flickers and dies
a thousand deaths. It
needs to be saved, just
like the tree needs rain.
A thickness of cloud-
shadows hide the sun.
It takes joy in its takeover
as sunlight is blacked out.
Rain is the blood spilt.
Dying a quick death,
sunlight is out of time, as
the bruised sky remains.
Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal
lives and works in Southern California. His poems have appeared in The Abyss,
Ariel Chart, Blue Collar Review, Otoliths, Piker Press, Unlikely Stories, and
Yellow Mama Webzine. Several of his chapbooks have been published by Kendra
Steiner Editions out of Austin, Texas
Dark commentary can be poetic if structured well. I could feel the tension and torment and can relate.