Leaving Methana
the rush of waves brings comfort.
i don’t know if this is a good thing.
having less stones for salt to gather upon like coral reefs,
i disintegrate - my heart resists
accumulates grains
i am an encrusted stone rolled to the side by torrent blessings
sharp as Indian chutney cleared by quick inhalations
remembering each step we hiked together
you complaining of heat, and stinging insects,
not enough hot water, the women too fat
we travelled in tandem - an odd pairing of sweet and salt
you - anchored to land
me - swimming too long underwater
it was my arcing back you rode through labyrinths of conflict
the wars we couldn’t scrape clean
i must motor forward against the need to heave down
plow through this wake of sunrise
careen between spectators and combatants
a celebrant of ocean to be had
if willing to slice depths
through enlightenments of local cheese and plum jam
it isn’t
that loneliness is unbearable
it is
that loneliness is the knife i was given.
Suzanne S. Rancourt
Suzanne S. Rancourt, Abenaki/Huron descent, has authored two books: Billboard in the Clouds, Curbstone Press / NU Press 2nd print, received the Native Writers’ Circle of the Americas First Book Award. murmurs at the gate, Unsolicited Press, released May 2019. Ms. Rancourt holds degrees in expressive arts therapy, creative writing, and psychology. She is a USMC and Army Veteran. Her works are published /forthcoming in Chachalaca Review, Straw Dog Writers Pandemic Poetry Project, The Ilanot Review, Cathexis, Pif Magazine, Other Worldly Women Press Anthology, Mizmor Anthology, Rat’s Ass Review, Lucky Jefferson, The Wrath-Bearing Tree, Free State Review, Event Magazine, Pangyrus, BigCityLit, Callaloo, Cimarron Review, Muddy River Poetry Review, Ginosko, Tupelo Press Native Voice Anthology, New Reader Magazine. For more info: www.expressive-arts.com