Ariel Amidst The Gloom
And I am the arrow,
The eye of the storm,
And I am the sparrow.
And I am the sparrow.
The gentle of the breeze.
The cauldron of morning.
The angel leaf spiralling
The cauldron of morning.
The angel leaf spiralling
to earth,
Transparent and weightless. A gentle feather,
No regrets, straight-firing;
Caressing your smiling,
(Emotionless - only clean air.)
Tear-stained cheek.(Emotionless - only clean air.)
Seventy-seven small,
Brown sugars
Tip-toeing gracefully...
Towards the bright, bright
Tinted-glass, flimsy Night.
Max J. Lewy
Max J. Lewy (1983-) was born
in the ex-coal-mining area of the South Wales valleys, U.K. to a Jewish father
and English mother, and is now a recovering patient of Mental Health System
abuses. He studied Philosophy at Warwick Univeristy, undergoing a spiritual
transition & potential breakthrough which was aborted and derailed by
misplaced 'treatment'. He spent 6 months living on the street as a runaway from
NHS 'services' in Brighton. He self-published his first book of poetry,
"Madness: a form of love" in 2018, detailing his ordeals as a form of
therapy (#PoetryNotPills #MeditationNotSedation) and defence, and is the winner
of RealisticPoetry's 2018 "Perspectives Of Love" Poetry Contest for
the poem "River Of Eternity (For R. W.)". While currently spending
his time writing poetry and philosophy about Mental Health, he is also
considering re-training to work in the field of Artificial Intelligence
(although, as he says himself, his intelligence is already highly artificial!).
In his spare time, he plays tennis, drinks pure cacao sweetened with Manuka
Honey, a long with various other herbal remedies and holistic health rituals,
and avoids Dr.s at all costs.