The Villian in You

The Villain in You 

You sit across the table

as the hero who comes

to save the timid white girl

but you aren’t.

You sit in judgment of

peoples and generations

now past as you pick

through the bones.

You are the villain on this

stage of life, come only

to harm and then fly away

from the debris.

You are not the victim,

like me, coiled and uptight

like a cobra waiting to strike

yet, too timid to try.


Elizabeth Sams

I do have a network of individuals and groups who are assisting me to grow, learn and publish my work. I am a new member of Poetry Gabriola, the League of Canadian Poets, the Canadian Children’s Book Centre and the Canadian Author’s Association. I have online exchanges with CBC: Canada Writes and with poets and authors on LinkedIn and The Woven Tale Press. Naomi Wakan, Poet Laureate for Nanaimo, BC, has critiqued two of my poems and encouraged me to continue. Her comments were “strong writing” and “integrity – with nothing between you and the page except the words.” I am humbled. I am unable to include those poems here as I have already submitted them elsewhere. Another Gabriola Poet is currently reviewing an evolving poetry manuscript, Feelings and Fantasies. And, I have just this week had one of my poems accepted for publication in the Plum Tree Tavern Journal. I am excited to be on the way!


  1. the dark side of most is more about selfishness than pure evil.

    1. Hello and thank you for your comment. Can you elaborate?

  2. Thank you for the amazing artwork! My thanks to Ariel Chart staff.

  3. We forget that those we encounter whom are decidedly dark in their manner are not necessarily bad or evil people but rather selfish individuals who have chosen to be self-centered for some unknown reason.

    1. Thanks for that clarity. I think that there would be multiple interpretations and what a discussion that could be!

  4. A straight forward girl bashing poem is nothing to be shy about. Let it loose, girl.

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