Contemplating What Needs to be Contemplated

Contemplating What Needs to be Contemplated

Our Enchanted Forest

I grabbed lunch and told my wife I was going out back to our Enchanted Forest and contemplate a number of things that needed contemplating.

Our Cedar Tree

I walked our two acres keeping the cedar tree in sight and sitting against it, ate lunch, wishing we had more than this one tree to call our forest.


I told him his lunch would be in the fridge. Actually, I left him a note since it appears we’re not speaking again.

A Wonderful Session

He’s such a thoughtful lover and also helps put my home life in perspective. It was his idea to make my husband’s lunch early. Hopefully, we’ll be speaking tonight.

The Enchanted Forest

She told me she’d bring lunch today. It was an idea her husband used with a patient. He didn’t know I’d try it also, but, again, he was right.

Paul Beckman

Paul Beckman’s latest flash collection, Kiss Kiss (Truth Serum Press) was a finalist for the 2019/2020 Indie Book Awards. Some of his stories appeared in Spelk, Necessary Fiction, Litro, Pank, Ariel Chart, Jellyfish Review, and The Lost Balloon. He had a story selected for the 2020 National Flash Fiction Day Anthology Lineup and was short listed in the Strands International Flash Fiction Competition. Paul curates the FBomb NY flash fiction reading series monthly in KGB’s Red Room (Currently Virtual).


  1. Avarde garde rarely graces these pages. Welcome back.

  2. i love it. it has portals. it has dimensions. it has angles. it has intelligence.

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