


On the Antalya to Kumluca road

Ancient colony of Rhodes

Scurrying up the broken steps along the sides of the hills

So many ants along the shimmering Mediterranean

Togas traded in for red bikinis, brand name attire,

White and blue Nike and Adidas sleeveless shirts

This determined single-file heading upwards

Ascending, shifting, amphitheater-bound

Tucked against a once green hill that

The sun god has scorched in a fit of trepidation

The Roman Navy has sailed from this world

No longer needed to defend the citizens and

Traders from Carthage and Sparta and Persia

So many cats and Turkish tour guides

Now protect the three natural harbors

The sun sparkling off the blue-glass sea

Foreign tongues still bounce off the uneven

Cobblestones of the main street

Roman replaced by Russian and German

Today the Republic of Turkey lays claim to

This pile of ancient stones

Five million lira to look and touch and

Admire a civilization that commanded

The civilized world

Outside the baths a Norwegian family

Poses with a calico cat unaware of history

Michael Adubato

Michael Adubato was born and raised in New Jersey but moved across the ocean and settled in Belgium, mainly because the beer and soccer are better.  When he’s not at a stadium watching a game, he’s thinking about where to go for the next game.  He also writes about those games when the poems aren’t flowing.  His greatest achievement was convincing a beautiful Slovakian woman to marry him. 


  1. I like your station poem better, it had more Mike observations whereas this one is scaffolded around more objective, historical aspects. There was a dreamy, zen-like air to your station poem; this seems more detrmined to BE a poem.
    However, I do like that you stick to non-pretentious langauge; it's about content, not form.

    1. I don't agree mainly since the exotic demands more reference and name dropping than the station poem. To each according...this poem is strong in its own right and you are dead correct about the use of non-pretentious language. Poems of this subject can get bogged down by boneheads trying to show how smart they are.

    2. Kare, perhaps I was over-thinking and under-drinking when I wrote this one!

  2. I, for one, love the international flavor of this poetic wonderwork.

    1. Wonderwork! I love that!! Thanks for your comments.

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