I Want A Dirt Road
I wanna dirt road,
I hear the wind song a calling.
I see the woods offering me abode
since the snow will soon be falling.
I need one that winds far down into who knows where,
there I can take a walk with a creek winding along beside,
cause then I can lose all pressing cares.
I need sunshine and weather that offers fair betide.
I wanna dirt road so I can just open up and tare!
I need a dirt road
so I can ride down far into the midnight dark,
deep down where all of the sounds are bullfrogs and water toads.
I need a dirt road to ride down where I can think an' pause to drink;
I love the one that winds down really far enough to find natures condo,
where me and Sunshine Sally may intimately park.
I need a dirt road where all arguments may there be cast,
where we can duel it out with fist and blade
until the compelling feelings have long since passed.
I need a dirt road through dense wood and fairy glade,
one where the spirits dwell and their pursuing servants fast,
'cause there I shall truly have it made!
I need a dirt road that winds down far
enough so that I can hear the distant loom of the mission bells,
then I can gaze upward to see the winking of the stars
and know without hesitating, that indeed.
I have done very well.
H.L. Lowless
The author is an international ESL Instructor. He has been a writer for over thirty years. His latest publications have been two books of nonfiction with Algora Publishing, and fictional publications with combo e-zines and print magazines; Leaves Of Ink, Short Story Lovers, The Fear Of Monkeys, and Frontier Tales.
Sometimes the basics we cry for are the things we once took for granted. The poems connects for me.