The Uselessness of Quickened Alchemy

The Uselessness of Quickened Alchemy

Those astounded by her iniquity

find themselves ensnared.

She has talents for transformation.

Give her simple ingredients,

and she will perform her modifications.

From salt to tears,

mercury formed as silver-white mirrors

that trick rather than show truth.

Silver, becoming coins of treason,

copper as a penny for your thoughts

which she an easily read.

Gold, easy to shape or bend to her will

as she can you.

All seven stages of alchemy,

one for each day of the week

performed within seconds.

It’s a great thing that we,

without her talents,

have the leisure of time

to transform ourselves at a slower rate,

so we can do so in a more positive manner.

 Linda Imbler

Linda Imbler is the author of three poetry collections published by Amazon.  Soma Publishing has published three more of her poetry books. Her poetry and short stories have appeared both nationally and internationally. In addition to putting pen and paper to inventive use, Linda is an avid reader and budding illustrator. This writer, yoga practitioner, and classical guitar player lives in Wichita, Kansas with her husband, Mike the Luthier, several quite intelligent saltwater fish, and an ever-growing family of gorgeous guitars.  Nominated for a Pushcart Prize and several Best of the Nets. Learn more at

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