
Please Don't Disorder My Order


Please Don’t Disorder My Order

Don’t tell me I’m great,

            let me enjoy the pleasure of insanity,

of thinking I am a regular person.

            Let me be steeped in the craziness

that my daily activities are ordinary,

            that my thinking is commonplace.

I so enjoy this delusion

            of the average me,

with unexceptional lucidity

            and a soundness of mind.

Allow me my illusion,

            that I’m able to exhibit typicality,

normalcy, and good judgement.

Permit my delirium,

            lest the ennui

of the standard

            ruin me.

Linda Imbler

Linda Imbler’s poetry collections include three published works by Amazon, “Big Questions, Little Sleep,” “Lost and Found,”  and “Red Is The Sunrise.”  

Soma Publishing has published her three e-book collections, “The Sea’s Secret Song,”  “Pairings,” a hybrid of short fiction and poetry, and “That Fifth Element.” 

She is a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee.  Examples of Linda’s poetry and a listing of publications can be found at


  1. Love this piece! Too often any more, uniqueness of any kind is looked upon as some kind of sickness or in-normality. So if it be madness to enjoy a moment of acceptance, let us live in that insanity, even if just to be alright with our own identity for just a brief moment. Powerful statements here. Great poem!

  2. Thank you, Renee, for the feedback. And, you are right!

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