Time Dance

Time Dance

Some Time. No time. Time slips the noose, pools at my feet.

Changes shape, amorphous

Time chunks calve off my memory and drift to the horizon on glacier blue.

Baptized and forgiven, they fall off the edge.

I lay back, buoyed, floating on mercury. Dripping limbs raise up in praise.

Base, everlasting—a silver ballet.

Linda Macaione

Linda Macaione sang jazz to fund the education that prepared her for a forty-year career in the field of speech pathology and audiology. In the decade of the seventies, she designed  an innovative tutoring program that was franchised twelve times in five states and wrote the operational and training manuals. She was an active member of the arts community in Albany, New York where she performed in community theatre, served as president of the Citizens for the  Empire State Institute of the Performing Arts, and interim director of Albany Center Gallery earning a lifetime achievement award. In retirement, Linda was inspired to learn the craft of writing after a visit to the Henry Plant Museum in Tampa and joined several Florida writers ‘associations and writing groups to guide her desire to write a historical novel. Currently, she participates in seminars, conferences and workshops, studies in the winter season with Julianna Blackwell, editor of the “805 Literary Magazine, and writes with Cotacachi Writers in Ecuador. In 2016 Linda originated a creative “free” writing group in Chatham, New York modeled on the Amherst guidelines of conduct.

This is Linda’s first submission and her first writing credit.  


  1. The simplicity is elegant and musical. Hard to believe this is a first credit. Fine work.

  2. Great If Your High As A Kite!!!

  3. Beautiful work.. requires reflection and thought.
    Love it.

  4. I think you have captured time-if indeed such is possible.

  5. Each time I read it, I see a different scene. That poem, indeed, is a work of art.

  6. A gifted writer with hopefully many more submissions to come. If time allows.

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