A Fact Losing

A Fact Losing


Somebody sent me out

to collect something somehow


over a rainbow. I stand

in a street I knew once

I am sure. It is familiar.

I can't understand why.

A list of things is on a piece of paper.

It certainly is my piece of paper.

No one else is holding it.

The hand writing is unfamiliar.

Somebody wrote this.

I want to ask passers by,

but I do not know them.

They are strangers, even more

than the writing on the paper.

I want to cry.

I don't feel safe.

Where is safe?


Paul Brookes

Paul Brookes is a shop asst. His chapbooks include The Fabulous Invention Of Barnsley, (Dearne Community Arts, 1993). The Headpoke and Firewedding (Alien Buddha Press, 2017), A World Where and She Needs That Edge (Nixes Mate Press, 2017, 2018) The Spermbot Blues (OpPRESS, 2017), Port Of Souls (Alien Buddha Press, 2018),Please Take Change (Cyberwit.net, 2018) Forthcoming Stubborn Sod, (Alien Buddha Press, 2019), As Folk Over Yonder ( Afterworld Books, 2019). He edits The Wombwell Rainbow Interviews.

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