the Rain
I walked on water
down the cracked concrete sidewalk.
My bare feet splashed and kicked
the warm summer stream
born of the sudden afternoon storm
that came as no surprise.
So faithful is it to its eternal vow
to always, always wash the world,
its raging rain never fails
to cleanse a path
for its innocent travelers –
we who walk the world alone.
down the cracked concrete sidewalk.
My bare feet splashed and kicked
the warm summer stream
born of the sudden afternoon storm
that came as no surprise.
So faithful is it to its eternal vow
to always, always wash the world,
its raging rain never fails
to cleanse a path
for its innocent travelers –
we who walk the world alone.
Cynthia Pitman
I am a retired high school English teacher. I
began writing again this past summer after a 30-year hiatus. I have recently
had poetry published in Vita Brevis, Postcard Poems and Prose, Right
Hand Pointing, Ekphrastic Review, Literary Yard, Amethyst
Review, Adelaide Literary Magazine, Three Line Poetry, Leaves
of Ink, Third Wednesday, and Mused. I have had fiction published in Red
Fez, Saw Palm: Florida Literature and Art and Dual Coast Magazine. My first poetry collection, The White
Room, is forthcoming from Kelsay Books.