
Spark a Fancy

 Spark a Fancy

On Zion’s Narrows walk

cool your feet in the Virgin

River flanked by menacing walls

that in spots will weep for you

Streaked with colors but lacking

the flair of Bryce you’ll find

the greys prevailing and how

a starless night must love them

Outlines of nascent portals

spur your soul to rap its wispy

knuckles to gain entry to

spark a fancy gone quiet so

Later you might make a biblical

coat from a prismatic wash

of hummingbirds but beware

that rattlesnake is no sash no

matter what gospel you hear

the harsh walls preaching

Thomas M. McDade

Thomas M. McDade is a 73-year-old residing Fredericksburg, VA, previously CT & RI. He is a graduate of Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT. McDade is twice a U.S. Navy Veteran serving ashore at the Fleet Anti-Air Warfare Training Center, Virginia Beach, VA. At sea aboard the USS Mullinnix (DD-944) and USS Miller (DE/FF 1091). His poetry most recently appeared inn Poetry Quarterly and Rat's Ass Review.  A story of mine was published by Ariel Chart in 2017


  1. That line "River flanked by menacing walls

    that in spots will weep for you" haunts me.

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