
I Whisper Into Ashes at Night

 I Whisper Into Ashes at Night

Breathe in, Breathe out
Count to three

No matter how many things I smash,
I never find you in the pieces, hurt
as it might, your pieces are now ash

One, two, three

Pick up your downfalls and piece them together
like the pedestal your honor once held in high esteem
using determination as glue in the garage of breath

One, two, three

Rinse the water of rumination
off of your skin-tight sanctimony
and flush the veins of your busy mind

One, two, three

Fly-ways of cars zoom sideways to avoid
heart-crashes of dooming affairs which signal
air in collapsing steering wheels to heed traffic

One, two, three

Counting helps soothe the burns inflicted
by too many scars left unnoticed but pronounced
in sharp jagged edges caressing your hair during trims

One, two, three

You’ve made it to the end of the gully,
all that’s left is to jump in and realize
that there never was any water to catch you

Adam Levon Brown


Adam Levon Brown is an internationally published poet and author in 14 countries. He has had his work translated in Spanish, Albanian, Arabic, and Afrikaans. Boasting over 300 published pieces, you can find his writing at such publications as Burningword Literary Journal, Firefly Magazine, Zany Zygote Review, Epigraph, Angel City Review, and Ariel Chart. He was long-listed in the 2016 Erbacce Prize poetry competition and received a special mention in the Pangolin Prize 2018 competition.

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