

And if I touched
Hands of snow,
I should warm them,
Make them glow.

Your reticence
I would address,
Through an honest,
Friendly caress.

How would you
Cope with my fear,
Stop me trembling,
Dry my tears?

With wet hands
Coated in salty ice,
Collecting tears whilst lying,
Trying to think twice.

Make haste,
Drop the daisies.
Run home,
Before everything
Is too late.

It is only
Through inaction,
We can deny
Our love is Fate.

Gerry Aldridge

Gerry Aldridge is from Newbury, Berkshire, England and lives in the foothills of a national park in Portugal, where he divides his days between doing sculpture, writing poetry and pet sitting. He is inspired by life and the human psyche, which he explores through his poetry and artwork combined


  1. Not a bad poem but should work on better title.

    Alvin Klonclif

  2. Thank you so much for reading, and apologies I have not replied before. Really, did you understand a different message? Always wonderful to get feedback- Have a lovely Easter :)

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