Yesterday I was in Lodz with my friends
- today I know
that only in dreams I can meet them.
Yesterday I dreamed of factories
- today I know
that they sew German uniforms.
Yesterday I drove a cab
- today I know
I must be stronger
than the horse that pulled it.
Yesterday I slept
in starched bedding
- today
my wooden cot is covered with saddle-cloth.
Yesterday was a phantasm
- today
only the belief
that in people
will remain something of a Human.
Eliza Segiet
Translated by Artur Komoter
Eliza Segiet – Master's Degree graduate in Philosophy,
completed postgraduate studies in Cultural Knowledge, Philosophy, Arts and
Literature at Jagiellonian University, as well as Film and Television
Production in Lodz.
Author of the Month (June 2017) in The Year of the
Poet 14 in the USA
Author's poem "Questions" was the
Publication of the Month (August 2017)
International Publication of the Year (2017) in
Spillwords Press
Laureate of the International Special Prize "Frang
Bardhi – 2017"
Author of The Month of January/February 2018 in
Spillwords Press
Author's works can be found in anthologies and
literary magazines in Poland and abroad (Albania, Australia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, India, Canada, Kosovo, Singapore, Scotland, Sweden, Spain, USA,
United Kingdom).