
One Brings Darkness

One Brings Darkness

The snow comes down.

Warmth is underground.

The pups whimper.

The mother guards the perimeter.

The pack hunts far away.

Danger is closer. She howls.

Voices respond.

The pups whimper.

They know fear.

It intensifies after what they hear.

The snow is blotted with red spots.

A body loaded. Laughter and pats on the back.

Rumbling like thunder comes closer.

A light shines in the den. They freeze.

A voice threatens to return then the sound fades.

The pups whimper.

A pack of hunters will return.

Which will be first?

One is family.

One brings darkness.

The pups whimper.

William Falo

William Falo’s stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Emrys Journal, 34th Parallel, Foliate Oak Review, Newfound, The Monarch Review, and others.

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