The Random Application of a Law


The Random Application of a Law


The refugees had settled near San Antonio,

near the Alamo’s scent of lavender. 

Their memories had a kind of jet lag,

with holes in the soles of their shoes near

the staggering river. Spring was scrawling

its poem in the air and on the street. 

The apartment was where one boy created

a spider web out of kite string, another

tasted lead paint like honeyed freedom. 

The apartment complex was part coyote,

with bones in the foundation and some walls.

Time, with a stubborn eye, pressed their

labors in a book; a beauty too ferocious

for the grieving parents. Nothing is more

direct than silence but the rosiness of

struggle, which is rosin for a hungry ear.
Jake Sheff
Jake Sheff is a major and pediatrician in the US Air Force, married with a daughter and three pets. Currently home is the Mojave Desert. Poems of Jake’s are in Marathon Literary Review, Jet Fuel Review, The Cossack Review and elsewhere. His chapbook is “Looting Versailles” (Alabaster Leaves Publishing). He considers life an impossible sit-up, but plausible. 

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