Eyes wide open
I see the truth.
Eyes wide open
for once, at last.
Treasures dangled as enticements.
A fall from grace tumbles by.
Sixteen and twenty,
counting onward.
The path unclear,
the questions stands.
Hand of temptation
reaches forward,
offering forbidden fruit.
Imprisoned by my own words.
Blinders removed,
I venture inward.
Eyes wide open.
Shutters open,
transgressions escape,
flying wildly
into the void.
The dream a nightmare
pulling me in.
Freedom impossible,
I see the truth.
Eyes wide open.
Ann Christine Tabaka
Ann Christine Tabaka is a nominee for the 2017
Pushcart Prize in Poetry. She lives in Delaware, USA. She is a published
poet and artist. She loves gardening and cooking. Chris lives with her
husband and two cats. Her most recent credits are Page &
Spine, The Paragon Journal, The Literary Hatchet, The Stray Branch, Trigger
Fish Critical Review; Foliate Oak Review, The Metaworker, Raven Cage Ezine,
RavensPerch, Anapest Journal, Mused, Apricity Magazine, Longshot Island, The
Write Launch, The Stray Branch, Advaitam Speaks Literary Journal, Ann Arbor