The Club Lounge Residents


The Club Lounge Residents


Corrupted by comfort, integrity gone

they arrive at the promised land of safe

seats and leather club lounges,

conscience long dead and vision set

on the seductive

lure of lifetime gold passes

and self awarded superannuations.


They remember sentimentally

the statesmanship of their speeches

sincerity of their promises,

waiting out time and mass amnesia

to transmute errors of greed and lies

into wisdom and high intentioned



Rising to creative heights with 

platitudes of patriotism

and national security, to voting age ears;

anticipating complacently that

macho dreams of heroism and

glorious deeds will be fulfilled by

gullible gladiators.


From Olympian heights of their safe seats

the leather club lounge fraternity

squabble for the goodies of power

and national gratitude.


Margaret Pearce


Margaret Pearce was a sickly child and an omnivorous reader. This made for a harmonious and successful substitute for education, as I didn’t spend much time at any of the schools I attended. Launched on an unsuspecting commercial world as a stenographer/secretary I ended up as a copywriter in an advertising agency. I took to writing instead of drink when raising children, completed an Arts Degree at Monash university as a mature age student and lurk in an underground flat in the Dandenongs still writing.

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