Beyond the Milestone

Beyond the Milestone



The busy widow

irons on a patch over

the new mortal hole

in the raiment of friendship.

Imperfection perplexes.


The sleepless widow,

first full moon…how long its time

since our last full moon

grasps the comforter tightly.

I am the sole warm body.


The bougie widow—

manis, pedis, cabana

boy in Speedo thong—

knows no bling, no glitz outglows

my molten gold of sorrow.


The primal widow

summons parliaments of owls,

feathered sentinels

on silent patrol guarding

the haunted forests of love.


The private widow

closed dry eyes to degrees

of need and desire.

When will I be touched— caressed?

When will I feel dreamed again?


The spendthrift widow

indulges— goes on shoe binges—

treats feet for steep steps

varicose veins may map blue

highways but stilletto

bye-ways where Blahnik pumps leap


The seaside widow

scavenges seashells pummeled

by indifferent seas

She sees in angel-wing shards

her pale iridescent self


The unknown widow

mystifies herself— who? who

am I and why?

To be of river and sea,

an estuary woman?


Karla Linn Merrifield

Karla Linn Merrifield, a nine-time Pushcart-Prize nominee and National Park Artist-in-Residence, has had 600+ poems appear in dozens of journals and anthologies. She has 12 books to her credit, the newest of which is Bunchberries, More Poems of Canada, a sequel to Godwit:  Poems of Canada (FootHills), which received the Eiseman Award for Poetry. She is assistant editor and poetry book reviewer for The Centrifugal Eye, a member of Just Poets (Rochester, NY), the Florida State Poetry Society, and The Author's Guild.  Visit her woefully outdated, soon-to-be-resurrected blog, Vagabond Poet, at Google her name to learn more; Tweet @LinnMerrifiel.

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