


You came to me

When I needed you the most

Livid, numb, torn.

Like some miracle the moment turned

Embers of madness flying all around

Broken shadows with half seen wings

And I stand in the middle of it.


You every time came and I know

You never left me at all

It is me who walked on the wrong road

Before, I heard the pain of fallen leaves

Below my feet

In those crushed leaves

I found those dreams written

Which I saw

As a somnambulist.


You stripped me naked again

Making my wounds bleed

So much that at one time, I shout

I cry

Then before the tears, I feel

I am alive.


You, may your silhouette never dissolve in me

But suddenly you are gone

Leaving me in darkness,

A tired face at the mirror

The silent breathings

I walk to the roof and await the storm

Then the world crossed me

Washed me

Plundered me

I fell asleep where I don't know

But when I am awake I found

You have left me with

A woman's love.
Subhadip Majumdar

This is Subhadip Majumdar a writer poet from India. He is certified in Creative Writing from University of Iowa. He also edited for a long time a reputed Bengali poetry journal. Wrote a short novel as Tumbleweed writer in Shakespeare and Company, Paris. His writings are published internationally.Two poetry books published and one novel in process of publication.

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