Memory of Love’s Hell
Standing amidst the downpour of the essence, drenched
in the flood of our spent fond memories of our warmth in passion.
Pondering what happened between us, feeding each
other's soul with hunger and sensation in one instant.
A flash of lighting streaked across the sky, did not
have time to bat an eye; you have become a distant memory.
Nothing remains of us, a dense fog over shadows;
clouding my vision.
Taking a step forward, still surrounding by your
memory essence.
Oh, how I long to grasp you once more; alas, your soft
caressing hands are interlocked.
Your sweet, caressing warmth of your eyes; those
pouting lips, over powering lips belong to another.
Staring through a fixed gulf between us, all I can
hear is your soft, soothing voice.
Words escape your soul to flood the one standing
before you now.
She stands in awe, engulfed in your proud stance;
ready to embrace your sweet love.
Come hence my comforting mist, allow me to disappear
and become a forgotten soul.
Please, take my memory so I will become null and
Tami Burwell
Tami Renae Dizani Burwell
Born November 9th, 1979 in Stillwater Oklahoma. A
recently published Author (Chronicle Dreams) a book of my collection of poems
that I put together in memory of my Aunt Cindy, and Tawauna Robinson whom
perished in the May 20th, 2013 tornado that happened in Moore, Oklahoma. I hope
to publish other books in the future; I continue to write and post new poems
that reflect the current situation (s).
