A New Day is Dawning
The night was black as coal. The wind was howling,
rattling the windows of Miranda's bedroom, making them sound as if they were
ready to fly off their hinges. The girl's heart was bleeding, hot tears
streaming down her face, scorching her inside. Curling serpents of flames
burning her wild illusions, the hollow promises and pretensions. The mask had
finally fallen off. The scales of her eyes were now flaking off on to her
fingers. Her mind kept flashing back to the man she had worshipped like a god,
that face behind the mask. His benign and defenseless epidermis now reeking of
visceral putrefaction. How could she have been so naive? All that ugliness he
kept hidden behind the doors of his soul was now boring through her heart, a
thin razor rip that would take ages to heal. She tried to wipe away her tears,
the small chandeliers glancing off light in the overhead lamp. A ray of hope in
the crepuscular atmosphere of her self-confession-box seemed to poke out of her
inner abyss. Her head was on a bit straighter for it.
Daniel was a commitment-phobe or maybe he was sport
fishing. Yeah, that was it. As soon as he hooked and reeled her in, the rush of
adrenaline was gone. Daniel had his epiphany; an alarm bell clanged on his
heart, alerting him that he was being stifled by all this affection. It was not
what he initially had in mind. His own identity was fading out into a grey
impalpable world. Miranda was just a plaything. The whole affair was starting
to get a little bit annoying. He could not help but break it off the hard way.
He would stab a knife in her heart, twisting it further in, shattering the
love's sweet illusion by telling Melinda, "I want out. You got it?" He
said it cynically with eyes that bore right through her soul, leaving two open
holes -- two wounds that she would never, ever jeopardize to see dehisce. She
suddenly became stronger. Her inner power, now unleashed. The tears had run
dry. The pain had been washed away by the rivulets of teardrops down her face.
She stood up and looked out the window. The wind had let up, the seagulls were
swirling and singing now. A new day was dawning...
Sofia Kioroglou is a missionary, a pilgrim and a wife
who happens to write poetry and flash fiction as a form of catharsis. She would
be a cave recluse in Sinai had she not met her husband in Jerusalem four years
Her poetry and flash
fiction have played on the radio and are included in many anthologies, and a
number of literary journals and printed books that include Dumas de
Demain, Galleon Literary Journal, Pengician, Lunaris Review, Degenerate Poetry,
Odyssey.pm, Excavating the Underground, VerseWrights, Galway Review, The Outlaw
Poetry Network, Your One Phonecall, Glance, Festival For Poetry, Verse-Virtual,
Spillwords, In Between Hangovers, Writink Page, Silver Birch Press, The Blue
Nib, Poetry Super Highway, Halkyon Days, Peeking Cat Poetry, The Books'
Journal, Ashvamegh, and Winamop, to name but a few.
Her poetry book is available online at :
To learn more about
Sofia Kioroglou’s work, visit:

Short Fiction